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9 Jun 2021

Net Positive – journey to zero waste

Eliminating waste is one of the ambitions outlined in ‘Net Positive’, our new responsibility strategy.

We already divert 98% of the waste in our operational control away from landfill but we aim to go further than this in the next few years and beyond.

Ensuring that the business meets a zero waste to landfill target in the immediate short term is a priority. Longer-term we want to reduce the amount of waste we produce, increase the volume of materials being recovered and reused, and ultimately move to reducing and eliminating all avoidable waste.

Reaching our long-term zero avoidable waste target will require collaboration with our waste management partner, business-wide engagement, and innovative solutions to waste management and materials use.

It is a complex challenge but as a responsible business, we must take steps to manage our own impact on the environment, both to ensure efficient use of resources and minimise negative environmental impact. 
